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Welcome to YOU Can be a Somebody.  Stories...observations and reflection on our Leadership Journey!

Where will YOUR Shoes Take YOU?

Where will YOUR Shoes Take YOU?

Are YOU one of those people that loves shoes? I've known those who have vast collections and keep them pristinely in their original boxes, neatly stacked in their closet to those who believe in minimalism with only a handful for very specific purposes.

I have to admit that over the years my shoe collection has gone through a lot of iterations. I am NOT one of those women who got the gift of being able to walk elegantly and confidently in heels. I did go through a phase of "cool girl" shoes where I thought if I practiced enough in really high heels I would eventually get the hang of it...sigh...but it was not to be so...sometimes you just have to accept your fate and stay in your lane.


The transition from heels led to an era of cowboy boots (which I loved and still love today). I wore the cowboy boots everywhere...they were my signature shoe and most comfortable footwear to travel in. That was until I took them on a trip to Lisbon in February of 2017. Part of the conference activity was a walking tour and "dine around" of the city. I should have known I was in trouble when the guide asked before we started "are you sure you don't want to switch to sneakers before we leave?" For anyone who has been to that beautiful city it is uphill both ways and the historic downtown has sidewalks that are adorned with incredible mosaics. Needless to say...the 3 hour walking tour took it's toll on my cowboy boots and I realized a change was needed for the next trip...where ever that might be!

So upon my return I decided it was time to incorporate sneakers and in March of 2017 I got my first pair of Converse! Not sure why...but it was also the beginning of capturing my activities/travels with the shoes. It was a different kind of selfie I guess with their first trip to Boise and a tour of the famous blue football field.


Since then....the sneakers have been my reliable traveling companion and have confidently seen me through a lot of memorable life experiences...

Picture4.png hanging out with my mother in-law at touring the University of British Columbia with my youngest daughter... to volunteering for those in need the night before heading off to Europe for meetings and my 50th Birthday tour through Italy (the sneakers even carried me to the top of the Duomo in Florence).


They are well travelled shoes and I had no idea when I took that first photo that all these things...and many many more... were in store for me. I was actually kind of sad when I first got them thinking about what I was leaving behind. Sneakers are not as cool as chic heels, or stylish bad-ass cowboy boots yet practical none-the less.

My lessons learned from the tale of my well travelled shoes is:

  • You aren't defined by height of your heel or the maker of your shoe but rather the spring in your step and the ability to walk confidently where ever your feet will carry you

  • Pause to capture memories in weird and wonderful ways

  • Don't fear the transition and change that comes from leaving an era behind and beginning a new one it will take you places you could never have imagined

2020 has been a tough year in so many ways for so many people. The two most common phrases I have heard is...

  • I can't wait for 2020 to be over

  • I am ready for things to get back to normal

In looking back on all the photos and where my shoes have taken me...I realized yet again that we should not wish our time away - it goes by fast enough as it is. Even though I didn't travel to exotic places this year the shoes and I spent more time with my core family unit which was precious time I would not otherwise have had.

It also reminded me that...

Change and transition is part of our journey. We should smile and appreciate where we have come from but focus forward on where the journey will take us. Things won't go back to the way they were and that's ok. It will open up new doors and new adventures that we would not have dreamed possible...without the limitations of our "high heels or chic shoes" but things that bring us joy and put a spring in our step!

SO for Christmas I got a new pair of sneakers. After three years and two trips to Europe it is time to hang them up and start over...they have earned their retirement. I have no idea where the new ones will take me but I am excited to find out! How about YOU?

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Leadership Questions of the Week for YOU:

  • Do YOU have a similar analogy to the story of my shoes to prompt change or "out with the old and in with the new"? If so - what is it and how would you tell YOUR story?

  • How often do YOU look back on where "your shoes" have taken you and contemplate where your journey will take you next?

  • Do YOU have trouble letting go of certain things that hold fond memories because breaking in something new just seems like to much work or may not work out as well as what you currently have?

  • What do YOU think of the lessons learned and the perspective on the phrases from 2020? What has put a spring in YOUR step even with all the other things that we have lost?

Thanks for reading….and remember…YOU make a difference!

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