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Welcome to YOU Can be a Somebody.  Stories...observations and reflection on our Leadership Journey!

The Tale of Little miss Muffet

The Tale of Little miss Muffet

One of my earliest memories is from Kindergarten.

It was just before school ended and each class had to perform in the year end showcase. Our teacher decided we would act out a series of nursery rhymes like Humpty Dumpty, Mary had a Little Lamb and Little miss name a few.

In preparation for performance, the teacher "auditioned" us for parts in the play. Even though everyone would have a some cases a tree or a lamb... there were a few key parts that brought each story to life.

I vividly remember the Little miss Muffet moment. If you aren't familiar with the nursery rhyme it goes like this...

Little miss Muffet she sat on her tuffet, eating her curds eating and whey

Along came a spider who sat down beside her

And frightened miss Muffet away make it work... all the teacher needed was someone to let out a loud scream....toss the curds and whey and run dramatically off stage.

I Was the Last to Go

I sat and watched as each person took their turn. Each one like the one before

  • A passing stare at the spider with a slight giggle as it approached

  • A delayed...barely audible squeak even after the teacher's repeated prompting

  • A half hearted fast walk to exit the scene

I genuinely felt bad for the teacher she really did try to motivate each one also giving them multiple tries. She knew we could all yell and scream from the playground yet when the moment called for it no one stepped up.

I remember feeling frustrated that no one else gave it their all and that meant I had to give it my all. So heart racing...nothing to lose... on cue I let out my loudest blood curdling scream....threw everything around me high in the air....and sprinted off stage... arms flailing...still screaming as I ran.

With a look of great glee and relief from the teacher...I got the part.

It is also important to note...that once I "broke the ice" the rest of the kids stepped up with enthusiasm to match the energy that had been established. They just needed one of us to go first!

The Moral of The Story

There are a lot of days where we "mail it in" . Where we hold back...even when prompted...because "pushing the envelope" is too scary...hard...tiring... or risky. We watch to see what others will do and we "go along to get along" to fit in with the crowd.

On the contrary...we also know...and wait for that one person who will get frustrated enough or motivated enough... to come forward...take the risk and set the wheels in motion. We smile quietly with silent admiration as we wait and see how that risk will pay off. Will it be met with glee and relief or with a reprimand and distain? Once the ice has been broken it can enable renewed energy and focus towards shared goals.

Lastly, knowing that people around YOU are smart...capable...experienced...are YOU pausing to ask yourself....WHY are they frequently mailing it in and not pushing the envelope? What do THEY know that YOU don't? How can you ask questions or increase understanding to know when it is right to push or when it is ok to let things play out?

Who will YOU be in these moments and will YOU stand with the brave soul leading the way?

Leadership Questions of the Week for YOU?

  • What did YOU take away from the Tale of Little miss Muffet?

  • What is YOUR story of pushing the envelope or simply mailing it in?

  • Are YOU seeing more complacency in your meetings...interactions or projects lately? Are you matching the energy and motion of those around you to "fit in"?

  • Are YOU frequently the "push the envelope" person? Do YOU find others wait for YOU to go first or for YOU to pull them in?

  • If YOU are know for pushing the envelope frequently...what is YOUR impact on others? Do they have fatigue from your constant questioning or pushing? Do they wish you would "mail it in" more often?

Thanks for reading….and remember…YOU make a difference!

Please continue the conversation by liking…commenting or sharing this article. You can also follow me on twitter @marciedwhite

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