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Welcome to YOU Can be a Somebody.  Stories...observations and reflection on our Leadership Journey!

We All Got Bruises

We All Got Bruises

Have you ever found that when you have a crazy busy week ahead of you at work or you just came off of one…those are the times when things come out of the blue and you think…really…now….seriously???? I’m willing to bet that there are a lot more of those moments happening right now than ever before. From all that is being thrown at us at work…to what is happening at home…to uncertainty and worry for the health & safety of colleagues, family & friends. I mean…did you ever think that in between all the pressure at work that you would also be worrying and wondering if you had enough toilet paper to last you through the day? Toilet paper…seriously???

Over the years I can think of numerous examples when things popped up in our lives at what seemed like “the worst possible moment”. In reality…these moments are meaningful and you can’t miss them. They are moments of learning…growth…resiliency…persistence and connection.

One of the songs I have had on my playlist for a long time that resonates with me lately is “Bruises” by Train.

These bruises

Make for better conversation

Loses the vibe that separates

It's good to know you got a friend

And to remember now and then

Everybody loses….We all got bruises

The point I take away as I listen to that song is that, we all have bruises or things that happen in our lives and it’s just good to know that we have friends that will support us through it. Sometimes we are the supporter and sometimes we are being supported. Either way – you have to forge forward at work and at home because that is just what we do. I know a lot of us have a lot of varying degrees of bruises and in the grand scheme of things my bruises are minor compared to others. Never the less…we need to ensure in our leadership journey to take it all in stride and be mindful of those moments when it matters most.

So what are the key takeaways we can do as leaders during this time? Here are a few thoughts…

Everyone is dealing with more than just work. Make time in your conversations to ask “how are you and your family doing?” Graduations are being canceled, schools are closed, family members are far away…the list is endless. Once you have the context of what others are dealing with...your understanding…care and concern makes a difference.

Working from home full time is new to many people. While a lot of folks have worked from home from time to time…working at home FULL time…with EVERYONE else at home is new. Be mindful and respectful of how they are adjusting. Things will all get done…perhaps in different working hours than you may be used to.

Just because it works for you doesn’t mean it works for everyone. YOU may be able to get up in time to get your run in…get a shower…work longer hours than primped…primed and ready for anything but that may not be the case for everyone. Find a way to make your colleagues feel comfortable. Keep things light-hearted and support others in what they CAN do rather than all the things they CAN’T do.

Be a calm steady hand at the wheel as we navigate each day. What our teams…our families our friends need right now is perspective…prioritization and peace. Whatever we were chasing or focusing on a few weeks ago need to be put in the context of the current situation. Find a way to be a calming influence to help everyone maximize their time on what really matters most. It may seem simple…but ask questions like…What are you working on? What can I help re-prioritize? What "air cover" do you need to break down barriers right now?

This is a marathon…not a sprint. We have a tendency in a crisis to "come in hot and sprint at a break neck pace". The adrenaline rush of the moment pushes us into long days and even longer action item lists. Just like a marathon we really need to find a way to pace ourselves so we can actually finish the race. My experience has taught me that working round the clock and setting that pace for yourself, your team and your family is a recipe for disaster. You have to take time to relax, reflect, exercise, eat right, sleep…smell the roses. This enables you to see things more clearly, let calmer heads prevail, and people ultimately respect you more for your calm, confident approach. It is what ultimately gives you the courage to get through any crisis you face.

So that's it! While as a world…we may be feeling a little bruised with all that is going on…the bruises will eventually heal. And as the song says…they will make for better conversation and lose the vibe that separates! Who you are at all times matters and perhaps more important now than ever!

Leadership questions for YOU:

  • How are YOU and your teams navigating through the new normal?

  • What is the most unexpected things you have had to deal with and what advice would you give others on how to navigate?

  • What are you doing to be mindful that everyone has a lot going on and ensure you are learning, growing and connecting during this time?

  • What do you think of the 5 key takeaways above? Any you would add or change?

Thanks for reading – YOU make a difference!

Please continue the conversation by liking…commenting or sharing this article. You can also follow me on twitter @marciedwhite

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